


The 8th international shellfish conference, held on January 18 and 19, 2024 at Delta Park NeeltjeJans, The Netherlands, attracted a lot of interest from home and abroad. Read here the report of the conference.
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Shellfish conference

The Shellfish Conferences Foundation is organising the 8th edition of the international shellfish conference on 18 and 19 January 2024, in the Deltapark Neeltje Jans.

The conference offers plenty of opportunities to meet each other in person. In addition to plenty of room for informal contact, the program consists of lectures, discussions, poster presentations, pitches and a trade fair for companies and institutions. The “Sustainability award shellfish sector 2022/2023” will also be presented during the conference.

The conference focuses on the shellfish sector at home and abroad. Participants are expected from the Netherlands, UK, Ireland, Germany, Denmark and Portugal. Translation from English to Dutch and vice versa is provided.

We hope to welcome you,

Jaap Holstein, Jasper van Houcke, Jacob Capelle and Aad Smaal
Shellfish Conference Foundation

ThemE And
Daily Schedule

Shellfish, protein source of the future?

Schelpdieren zijn een bron van gezond voedsel, en ze worden op een duurzame wijze geproduceerd. Ze zijn gezond vanwege de voedingswaarde: rijk aan eiwitten en mineralen, weinig vet maar wel belangrijke vetzuren. Schelpdieren worden gekweekt in de natuurlijke omgeving. Ze eten wat de natuur te bieden heeft en hebben vergeleken met andere soorten voedsel een extreem lage ecologische voetafdruk. Ze zorgen voor recycling van voedingsstoffen waardoor de groei van hun eigen voedsel -de algen-, wordt bevorderd. Toch is de belangstelling bij consument beperkt tot een groep echte liefhebbers. In bredere kring is er wel waardering, maar ontbreekt kennis van de karakteristieken en ervaring met toepassingen. Het is zelfs zo dat de consumptie van schelpdieren in Europa al jaren afneemt, mede omdat geschikte locaties voor kweek afnemen. Dit in schril contrast met de 8 % jaarlijkse groei in productie elders in de wereld: zie onderstaande figuur op basis van FAO data.

In de traditionele Europese kweekgebieden zijn er beperkingen vanwege kustbeheer, recreatie, natuurbescherming, en nieuwe gebieden zijn niet zomaar voorhanden. Intussen is er de noodzaak tot duurzame productie van gezonde voeding, niet alleen in Europa maar wereldwijd, zeker gezien de verwachte toename van de wereldbevolking en de hogere eisen die worden gesteld aan voeding. In deze context worden op de conferentie verschillende thema’s verder uitgediept, op basis van analyses, en gericht op oplossingen. Wat zijn de vragen, wat zijn de mogelijkheden, en wat kunnen we leren van anderen?

Donderdag 17 maart: Schelpdieren gezond en duurzaam

Op de eerste dag wordt ingegaan op de betekenis van schelpdieren als eiwit- en vetzuurbron van de toekomst, mede in vergelijking met traditionele bronnen uit de veeteelt. Wat is ervoor nodig om de (jonge) consument hiervoor te interesseren, wat wordt er al aan gedaan en hoe wordt dit elders aangepakt. Het gaat dan niet alleen om de betekenis als gezonde voedselbron, maar ook om het aspect duurzaamheid. Hoe zit het met de footprint in termen van koolstof, stikstof, fosfaat en zoetwater gebruik, en hoe verhoudt zich dit zowel tot vlees als tot vegetarische voeding. En hoe circulair is de schelpdierproductie, wat is de stand van zaken en wat staat er op de rol voor verdere ontwikkeling? Op basis hiervan komt aan de orde hoe dit met de consument te communiceren en hoe in te spelen op de wensen van de huidige en toekomstige consumenten.

Uitreiking duurzaamheid award 2020/2021

Ook dit jaar kunnen schelpdierkwekers, -handelaren en toeleveranciers meedingen naar de prijs voor de meest duurzaam werkende dan wel meest innovatieve kweker / handelaar / toeleverancier 2021/22. (zie ook onder prijs voor innovatie en duurzaamheid)Op basis van de inzendingen wordt door de jury een selectie gemaakt van de meest duurzame/innovatieve initiatieven van de afgelopen jaren. De awards worden uitgereikt na de middagsessie op 20 januari.

Diner met pitches 17 maart

Tijdens het diner met sprekers, standhouders en sponsors, waarvoor bezoekers zich kunnen inschrijven, zullen er pitches worden gepresenteerd van jonge professionals in de voedsel- en schelpdiersectoren.

Vrijdag 18 maart 2022: Nieuwe toekomst, nieuwe aanpak

Op de 2e dag is de conferentie gericht op voorwaarden voor uitbreiding van schelpdierkweek in ons land. Hoe wordt ingespeeld op de behoeften van de (toekomstige) consument en de afnemende productie in Nederland en daarbuiten. Mogelijkheden voor offshore kweek worden in het buitenland op steeds meer locaties verkend en ook in Nederland staan er pilots op stapel om dat uit te proberen. Dat vereist een geheel nieuwe aanpak. Er zijn nieuwe technieken nodig om onder offshore omstandigheden te werken, er worden hoge eisen gesteld aan de logistiek, en ook wat betreft de kweektechnieken zal er nog heel wat te pionieren zijn. Dit komt met name in de ochtendsessie aan de orde. Vragen over het beheer, de vergunningverlening en de benodigde ondersteuning komen ‘s middags aan de orde, met als basisvraag vanuit welke visie de nieuwe manier van schelpdiercultuur in nieuwe gebieden ontwikkeld kan worden. Dit heeft o.a. betrekking op medegebruik van windparken, de combinatie met zeewierkweek, natuurontwikkeling en de beheer visie wat betreft het uitgeven van ‘eiwit ’kavels.


Thursday - Friday
January 18 + 19, 2024


Faelweg 5
4345 RB Vrouwenpolder

For whom?

The Shellfish sector at home and abroard



Newsletter No.1, 8th International Shellfish Conference

On 18 and 19 January 2024, the 8th international shellfish conference will be held at Deltapark Neeltje Jans in Zeeland, The Netherlands. This time the conference focuses on the question: What is required for a future-proof shellfish culture?
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Report of theconference - Edition 2024

The 8th international shellfish conference, held on January 18 and 19, 2024 at Delta Park NeeltjeJans, The Netherlands, attracted a lot of interest from home and abroad. The conference dinnerwas quickly oversubscribed and had more than 140 attendees. This time the innovation prize waswon by Superfood Zeeland for thier Seabased Food products such as the mussel bites. The jury ledby Bram Bierens assessed 3 nominations, and Jo-Annes de Bat presented the certificate to Remvan den Bosch. The fair was well attended with 32 participating companies and institutions. TheNew Year's reception of the Producers Organization of the Dutch Mussel Culture on Thursdayafternoon was an extra festive and well-attended part of the conference. More than 20 speakersdiscussed the conference theme with the conclusion that there are plenty of opportunities, but it isimportant to join forces to realize them.

read the report

Newsletter December 2023

The program
The program of the 8th International Shellfish Conference is available, see

The theme of this conference concerns conditions for a future-proof shellfish culture. There are several dilemmas involved. Shellfish are a promising source of sustainably farmed proteins and healthy fatty acids. Shellfish can play an essential role in the transition to less or responsibly produced meat. However, most consumers mainly associate shellfish with conviviality and summer atmospheres. How can shellfish contribute more to the sustainable protein supply? In addition to putting shellfish on the agenda as a future-proof food, there has been a decline in mussel production for years, mainly due to a lack of sufficient breeding space. Trials are being conducted for cultivation at sea, but it is still uncertain whether this is technically and economically feasible. A greater role for shellfish in a sustainable diet requires more production, so where can this be achieved? And, last but not least, where do you get good employees?
The problems outlined above will be discussed in four sessions, about consumers and market, innovations, mussel mortality as a threat, but also about opportunities for cultivation in nature. The fourth session is about the people in the sector. There will be a total of eighteen plenary presentations, including five on developments abroad. There are also short pitches on current topics. At the end, Martin Scholten, advisor at WUR and IMAGRO, will give his vision on a sustainable future for Dutch shellfish culture.

The tradeshoe
The number of stands at the tradeshow is higher than ever. There are 22 exhibitors who together represent 32 companies from 9 countries. New techniques in the field of cultivation, processing, shipbuilding, hatcheries, materials, quality assurance, etc. are discussed. Newcomers at the fair are: RKT (Rombouts Kunststof Techniek) with plastic pipes, among other things, Finn Pro with paint from Tikkurila (Finland) for use on metal, among other things, SEAPA with oyster baskets and Marinove with oyster spawn. There are also loyal participants in the fair, so there is plenty of opportunity to meet old acquaintances. See the page tradeshow for the complete overview.

There will be poster presentations of, among other things, research into mussel & seaweed farming in the (offshore) North Sea. The Zeeland photographer Rem van den Bosch will present a photo selection. Other posters can also be visited. The program is still in preparation.

New Year's reception
On Thursday, January 18, the Producers' Organization of Dutch Mussel Culture will hold the New Year's reception from 4:30 PM. This has been combined with the conference for the first time. During the reception, the 2022/2023 innovation prize will be presented by Jo-Annes de Bat, member of the Provincial Executive of the Province of Zeeland and Bram Bierens, jury chairman.

Conference dinner
The traditional conference dinner is on Thursday evening. You can register via the website.

You can register for the conference via the website. The site also contains information about the route to Neeltje Jans, the program and poster updates and the participating companies in the fair.For questions and comments, email us at:

Jacob Capelle, Jaap Holstein, Jasper van Houcke & Aad Smaal, organizers.
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Newsletter September 2023

The program of the 8th international shellfish conference, January 18 and 19, 2024 at Delta Park Neeltje Jans, is taking shape. You can register from September 1 on the website

Some highlights to address the conference theme of this edition: What is needed for a future-proof shellfish culture?
On Thursday morning the focus is on the consumer, how to reach them? How do you market the mussel, what is the magic of the oyster? As part of the program, Jeroen Willemsen from Food for Impact, also known as the protein commissioner of the Netherlands, outlines the possibilities that shellfish offer for a sustainable protein future. The results of recent market research into the appreciation of the mussel by consumers will also be discussed.
In the afternoon, practical lessons learned from new innovations will be discussed, including shellfish culture trials in the Voordelta and Waterdunen, the development of harvesting machines at sea, and innovations in ship propulsion.
The 2022/2023 sustainability awards will be presented during the PO Mossel New Year's reception that starts at 4:30 PM, and - for the first time - now combined with the shellfish conference.
The problem of unexpected mussel mortality that is prevalent in Europe will be reported on Friday morning based on the results of the international workshop organized a few days earlier in Yerseke.
On Friday afternoon it's all about the people in the industry. Jos van Damme will share his experiences as a mussel farmer with us. A youth forum discusses what drives them to work in the shellfish sector and what bottlenecks there are. Martin Scholten, advisor at WUR and IMAGRO, will discuss the theme of the conference in the closing keynote presentation

Follow the details of the program and the participating companies in the fair at
For questions and comments, email us at: 

Looking forward to your participation, the organisors:
JacobCapelle, Jaap Holstein, Jasper van Houcke & Aad Smaal
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Newsletter July 2023

On 18and 19 January 2024, the 8th international shellfish conference will be held atDeltapark Neeltje Jans in Zeeland. This time the conference focuses on the question: What is needed for a future-proof shellfish culture?

In this newsletter we inform you about some highlights. Prior to the conference, an international workshop on the problem of unexplained mussel mortality will be held on Wednesday 17 January. Scientists from France, Ireland, Spain and Sweden, among others, are examining this common problem with their Dutch colleagues and will report on the state of affairs at the conference.

On Thursday18 January, the morning session will be devoted to the role of shellfish in a nutritious and sustainable diet, how are other products doing, how can more attention be paid to shellfish and how is this happening elsewhere in Europe? In the afternoon there are practical lessons based on new forms of shellfish farming, including in the Voordelta and Waterdunen.
The annual New Year's reception of the PO Mussel culture and the United Fish Auctions starts at half past five, now linked to the conference and the fair for the first time. The sustainability awards 2022/2023 will be presented during the reception. The conference dinner is on Thursday evening.

On Friday, January 19, it will be about opportunities and threats for shellfish farming. What are the backgrounds to the mussel mortality and what can be done about it, which other species are promising and what can we learn from the practice of mussel farming for strengthening natural values.
In the afternoon ,the grower him/herself is central. How do you become a shellfish farmer or processor, what is required in terms of knowledge and training and where do you get that knowledge from?

More participants have already registered for a stand at the fair than at previous conferences. Among other things, stands of hatcheries from the Netherlands and abroad, suppliers of material and equipment, and consultancy firms. Posters will also be presented on new and ongoing research.

Follow the details op the program on
Subscriptions opens at September 2023.
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And Background


The 8th international shellfish conference was organised by the Shellfish Conferences Foundation. The Foundation has a board, which consists of Mr. Ir. Jaap Holstein, Prof. dr. Dr. Aad Smaal, Dr. Ir. Jacob Capelle and Dr. Jasper van Houcke. These are the ones who take care of the actual organization. Before his retirement, Jaap Holstein was a consultant, secretary of the Association of Shellfish Traders, secretary of the PO Kokkelvisserij and policy officer at the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality. Aad Smaal is emeritus professor at Wageningen University and was a researcher at Wageningen Marine Research and Rijkswaterstaat. Jasper van Houcke is a lecturer in aquaculture at HZ/University of Applied Sciences and before that, team leader aquaculture at HZ. Dr Jacob Capelle works as a researcher at Wageningen Marine Research in Yerseke and carries out various projects in collaboration with the shellfish sector.

Sounding Board group

The theme for the conferences and the program is discussed with a sounding board group, which ensures that the topics are in line with what interests the 'constituency'. The sounding board group consists of representatives of the shellfish sector, the government and knowledge institutes.


The shellfish conferences have in principle been organised every 2 years since 2007 and have taken place in Vlissingen, Goes and since 2011 at Deltapark Neeltje Jans. The number of participants increases every year and the fair also expands. Interest from abroad is also increasing. The themes of the conference focus on current issues, linked to long-term social developments. The target groups of the conference consist of people who work in the shellfish sector, their advisors, suppliers and customers, and people who work in research, policy and management. For several years now, civil society organisations, such as nature conservation organisations, have become more involved in the conference.


Lectures, Discussions & Fair

The conference will consist of lectures, discussions and a trade fair for companies and institutions.


The conference is focused on the shellfish industry in the Netherlands and abroad. In previous conferences there was participation from all major shellfish producing countries along the Atlantic coast. Interpreters are available for Dutch – English translations vv.


Approximately 30 companies will present themselves at the fair on both days. Access to the fair alone is free. You must register to attend the presentations.


Approximately 30 companies will present themselves at the exhibition both days. Access to the scholarship only is free. You must register to attend the presentations.Curious which companies are on the exhibition? Click on the button below and they will introduce themselves to you!

view all participants



Day I


Conditions for a future-proof shellfish culture

18th of January 024

Registration, Trade Show open


Welcome by the organizers

Wouter van Zandbrink
President shellfish trade organisation

Introduction to session I - Shellfish Superfood

Jeroen Willemsen
Food for Impact, Foodvalley

Netherlands Protein-rich country

Tessel Kans
Schuttelaar & partners

Shellfish, this marine protein of the future


Trade show, posters, coffee break

Cécile Fouquet
EU Aquaculture Advisory Council

Aquaculture stakeholders at work at the EU level – achievements & challenges

Tilly Sintnicolaas
Dana Nijstad
Dutch Mosselbureau

The fast food generation and the market for mussels: chances and challenges


Discussion and conclusions

Wouter Kik
Restaurant Codium

The magic of the oyster


Trade show, posters, lunch break

José van Egmond
Lord mayor of Reimerswaal

Introduction to session II - New developments and techniques

Eva Hartog

Lessons from practice: offshore culture Dutch Voordelta

Pascalle Jacobs

Innovations in oyster cultivation: understanding larvae dynamics and off-bottom biodegradable substrate

Megan Claessen
Werner Lindhout

Rent protection for growers and the new shellfish policy

Huibert-Jan Zweemer
Murre Technologies

Novel sea based harvesting technology for combining seaweed and mussel cultures

Andre de Bie

Sustainable ships



Eric Wakkee, OOS offshore & Rem van den Bosch, Mosselbites

Trade show, posters, tea break


New Year's reception Producers Organization of the Dutch Mussel Culture

During the New Year's reception there will be a speech by Edie Engels, chairman of PO Mosselcultuur, and the 2022/2023 innovation prize will be presented by Jo-Annes de Bat, GS Zeeland and Bram Bierens, jury chairman.

Conference Diner on subscription

Day II


Conditions for a future-proof shellfish culture

19th of January 2024

Registration, trade show open


Welcome by the organisation

Addy Risseeuw
Secretary of the PO mussel culture

Introduction to session III - Threats and opportunities

Jacob Capelle
Wageningen Marine Research

How to deal with mussel mortalities on cultivation plots

Ajith Munusamy

Investigations of mussel mortality in France

Jose Babarro

Mussel farming in Galicia (NW Spain): new perspectives in a global change scenario


Trade show, posters, coffee break

Jildou Schotanus
Wageningen Marine Research

Mussel farming and nature conservation in the Dutch Wadden Sea

Nancy Nevejan
Brecht Stechele
Shells&valves + Gent University

Towards restorative aquaculture of flat oyster in the North Sea

Llucia Mascorda Cabre
Plymouth University

Oceanographic and ecological impacts of farming mussels offshore: The Lyme Bay case study


Discussion and conclusion



Hans van Oostenbrugge, WUR – New developments in socio-economic monitoring of the shellfish sector, Paul Denekamp, ​​AAC – focus group Molluscan Welfare, Murre Technologies and Gabrielle Verbeeke, HZ - Flip Farm

Trade show, lunch break

Nathalie Steins
Wageningen Marine Research

Introduction to session IV: Shellfish farming as a profession

Jos van Damme
Retired mussel farmer

Experiences with mussel cultivation in practice


Interactive session with young employees in the shellfish sector

Martin Scholten

Keynote on requirements for a future proof shellfish industry


Discussion and Conclusions


Closing of the conference


Farewell drinks


The shellfish conference offers many opportunities to get to know the speakers beteer and to exchange ideas with them

view all

Dana Nijstad

Nederlands Mosselbureau, Yerseke

Wouter Kik

Restaurant Codium, Goes

Murre Technologies

Murre Technologies

Wouter van Zandbrink

Voorzitter Vereniging van Schelpdierhandelaren

Paul Denekamp


Hans van Oostenbrugge



Access 1 day

€ 78,51

excl. BTW

Entrance on 1 day of the conference
Free Lunch & Snacks
Access to all lectures

Access Thursday afternoon

€ 41,32

excl. BTW

Entrance on thursday afternoon of the conference
Free Lunch & Snacks
Access to all lectures

access 2 days

€ 140,50

excl. BTW

Entrance on 1 day of the conference
Free Lunch & Snacks
Access to all lectures

HZ Student - Special Rate

Students can register for the conference at Jasper van Houcke ( stating their student card number. The rate for students is €35 for one day and €60 for both days.



Deltapark Neeltje jans

Deltapark Neeltje Jans is located in the heart of the Oosterscheldekering and is accessible via the N57, both from the direction of Middelburg as well as Rotterdam.

By car

From the Randstad
, you will drive through the Rotterdam-Benelux tunnel or Brienenoordbrug.
Then, you follow the direction of Zierikzee (A15-A29-N59), after Zierikzee you follow the direction of Burgh-Haamstede.
Before Burgh-Haamstede you take the Westschouwen/Middelburg exit (N57). From here, you can follow the signs for Neeltje Jans and then the signs for Deltapark.

From Brabant and Antwerp area, you drive towards Bergen-op-Zoom. On the A58,
you follow the direction Middelburg/Vlissingen. At Goes, you can already see the signs for Neeltje Jans.
On Neeltje Jans, you follow the signs for Deltapark.

Public transport

Are you planning on getting to Deltapark Neeltje Jans with public transport? No problem! There is a bus stop within 5 minutes walking distance. If you are less mobile, please take note that the path towards the park is unpaved and difficult to traverse by wheelchair.

discover their website
Hotel suggestion
Hotel Terminus

With a central location in Goes, close to public transport and a 3-minute walk from the pleasant historic center of Goes.

If you have any questions,
please call


or send an email to